Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Sarkodie introduced Joey B to the Illuminati clan on their Tonga Collaboration - WhatsApp Post

Its very rare to see rumors spreading on Whatsapp unless its one popular or breaking news. And am the type that do not give much consideration on certain whatsapp messages. However, It seems most WhatsApp users are now seeing the message about
Joey B's song Tonga to be an illuminati term. Funny right. Well i woke up this morning and was replying my messages but got to one message that goes like...

A msg 4rm sumwhr...... Deres a porpular song in Ghana title tonga 1 noes hw dis song came abt bt by research dis song is sed 2 b illuminati......bliv me or not .....jx study e lyrics carefully.............................................tonga dey ryme wif corna ..will u cme wif me 2 ma corna.. Al tht we re concentrated on is e word tonga bt we never ask ourself wat is corna.....the word corna is used by e illuminati as a sign of e beast thtx e is a horn of e devil n if u study e lyrics carefully it is tryin 2 tel u tht e word tonga is jx rymin wif corna bt wt he means is tht wil u cme wif him 2 his corna ..thtx e devil.....if u think dis i a liar pls search e meanin of corna 4rm e mathew 13:14 seys by hearin ye shall hear,and shal not understand..pls let us let e world noe wat is right nd wrong ..u re saved y dnt u save others...pls forward it 2 al ur contacts nd help save e world..... the bible let us noe whosoever shall deny me b4 men thn so shall i deny him b4 ma father in heaven........ Christ is comin

I started laughing out loud but later on got pissed because thats just a useles,, stupid and buffonery act. When will we learn how to appreciate our artists even if we dont want to support their works, why then do we have to tarnish their image. At first it was R2Bees, got to Sarkodie and now Joey B. I guess its becoming a taboo to be popular in Ghana through your songs since no one will like to be misjudged as being Illuminati. I think its about time we stop discriminating Hits in the country. Well as we all know bad news breed fast. And its obvious Joey B is giving no damn about such useless and baseless news as he just retweeted how to even make Tonga as your caller tune lol

Make Tonga by @1realjoeyb ft @sarkodie your caller tune!! TIGO txt GUO to 556, VODAFONE txt 997458 to 134, AIRTEL txt ACT 0224201 to 6060

You can listen OR DOWNLOAD the song below and tell if its an Illuminati song or through hard work.

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